Blab out
Nothing really happening. The cats were away so the mouse played today at work. The mouse being me (cats=bosses of course). Although I didn't really play. More like this thing I was trying to make sense out of played oodles around my head. But I went home satisfied that I've made some major headway in the major principles. Hopefully the further reading I'm planning to do tomorrow will help me get everything down pat.
And early whiffs of summer are starting to make their presence felt in the day's temperature. Goodness, walking to the office in the mornings has been squeezing rapidly increasing amounts of sweat from my pores. I'm starting to eye the little electric fans my officemates currently have in hiding under their desks or buried in heaps of paper on their tables. I have a feeling I'll be looking at them the same way a lost desert traveller would look at a glass of water sometime soon. I am DEFINITELY NOT looking forward to the Japanese summer.
Gawds, I feel like something inside of me just wants to pop out. I'm trying to drown down the feeling with lotsa coffee but I think it's not working. Sleep definitely isn't doing the trick. And now this blabbing on my blog. Sorry guys. Just bear with me. I'm just trying to drain out some of the weird stuff...