Thursday, August 04, 2005

Life to the Fullest

It's amazing how some people can seem to squeeze so many things into their day, making you feel that no minute is ever wasted. I think that these people consciously strive to live by the code of living life to the fullest... not wanting to look back on their lives and finding out that they've wasted so much and failed to experience everything the world has to offer them.

I often envy these people. They seem to be possessed of so much energy, spirit and determination that their enthusiasm for life never seems to flag. They meet new people, are not so hesitant to try new things, get involved in all sorts of activities it makes my head spin just thinking about all the things they have to keep track of.

And usually these people have well thought-out goals, have clear images of who they are and thus are guided on the roles they are meant to fill and the directions their lives are meant to take.

I really wish I could say the same of myself. But all I can do right now is admire and try to emulate them... nd hope that I'm living MY life to the fullest that I can.


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